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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thoughts while preparing for Nepal

Nepal is not too far away now.  I am writing lectures, preparing faculty development workshops and thinking a lot about genetics.
Genetics is an interesting topic, field and word...
Telling people that I am a geneticist, no matter where I am, elicits an interesting response.  At home, in Canada, I often get comments like "Oh, so do you agree with cloning?"  "You must believe in GMOs"  "I guess you support abortion"  "How do you feel about eugenics?". 
I also had an interesting experience in Berlin a few years ago at an international genetics conference.  Germany was very apologetic for the past  - to the point where I felt uncomfortable.  Yet I can understand where they are coming from.  So many of the negative attitudes about genetics come from the events of the past in Germany.
So suddenly I am wondering what Nepal will think about genetics.  What does the word genetics or geneticist provoke in people there?  Are the thoughts more positive or negative?  How will I teach genetics in a country where I am uncertain of many of these answers?  What is the culturally sensitive approach?
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed...
As a reproductive geneticist, I am faced with so many questions and concerns about the views of the Nepali people.
What does pregnancy mean to people in Nepal?
Is prenatal diagnosis an option for Nepali women?
How often do women receive prenatal care and counselling?
What is considered "abnormal"?
How do Nepali people view abortion?
Is abortion legal and/ or available in Nepal?
What genetics disorders are common in Nepal?
What are the frequencies of certain genetic diseases and alleles?
I have realized that I have a lot of work to do.  Many people to consult and talk to.
Then I have to consider the role of genetics in medicine, the role and view of medicine in Nepal and the feelings of the students, faculty and people of Nepal about having "Western" physicians and faculty teaching them about these things.
So much to think about.  So much to do.

1 comment:

  1. When I think of the word genetics - I think of you: an unsung superhero 'Genetic Jane' :) You will do amazing things there! Don't forget to pack your cape!
