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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thai Lounge in Kathmandu

I am sitting in the Thai Lounge in the airport in Kathmandu waiting for my flight. Right after my last blog post I had a wonderful surprise. Shambhu showed up at the door of the flat to say good bye. I went by PAHS yesterday and saw Shambhu and said good bye to all of the faculty and some students but missed Sushila. It turns out that there were gifts for me and Daniel and I had to sign the guest book too! So Shambhu, one of the busiest and hardest working faculty members I know, came over to my flat to hand deliver all of this and then walked back to Patan Hospital.

This might give you some sort of idea of the type of people that are here in Nepal and working at PAHS. I have never met or worked with people like them before. They are so caring and thoughtful and really let you know that you are important and valuable and appreciated.

This just made me even more sad to leave.

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