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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So I actually did it.  I managed to pack for my whole trip in a normal sized suitcase!  There's a first time for everything I guess. 

I leave early tomorrow morning from Victoria.  I go through Vancouver, Calgary, Tokyo, Bangkok and then I finally get to Kathmandu on May 26.  I'm tired just thinking about it.  The good thing is, I am in Executive class most of the way!

I have been hearing that it is HOT in Nepal right now.  Hotter than I have ever experienced.  Oh boy.

I am really looking forward to getting there, seeing my friends, my old students, and meeting the new students.


  1. Congrats on a normal human-sized suitcase. Well done. I left some rupees for you in the lounge in Bangkok. Second cushion from the left.

    1. Thanks. It is quite an accomplishment for me. Thanks for the rupees. I'll leave you a note there for the next time you pass through. Same spot.
