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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Things I Notice About Nepal and PAHS

I just wanted to write down a few of the really unique and interesting things I notice about Nepal.  Before I forget!  One just came up!  I went to the bathroom here at PAHS and the doors are labelled "Ladies" and "Gents" - isn't that sweet?  Love it.
Everyone here orders and drinks just plain hot water all the time.  I notice and think about this because Ann always orders this and many places and people look at her like she is crazy.  In Buenos Aires they seriously could not figure her out!  They charged her full price for coffee.
The men are very affectionate to each other - they walk down the street with their arms around each others' shoulders, rest their hands on other mens' thighs went sitting and so many other very sweet gestures that you would never see in North America.
At Shalom Guesthouse where I am staying now, and then at the flat where I am moving tomorrow morning, there is a didi that washes dishes, makes meals (all except breakfast!), boils and treats the water so there is always clean drinking water, does laundry and makes your bed!  It is a bit unnerving for me to leave dirty dishes and to expect so much from her but this is the culture here and I would offend her if I tried to wash the dishes myself.
I have a real urge to shake hands - I can't help it!  I know that this is not something that they like to do but they put up with me!  :)
SO many men carry around motorcycle helmets!  It's like a woman's purse. 
There is not a lot of facial cues and feedback from people here - and I am always looking for that.  It's one thing to have the head bobble that can mean so many things I can't keep track of, but another to not have facial expressions to go by.  I find that hard.
When they hand you something it is always with their right hand and they place their left hand under their right elbow with a slight nod of the head.  So formal!  This often happens when I "force" them to shake hands... :)
When Nepali people speak there is a...break and a pause in their speech midway through.  Almost for emphasis.  It often happens words like "a" and "the".

Some things that I notice at PAHS in particular:
Everyone always has tea or hot water in their hand at all times.  Maybe this is the same as coffee in Canada...
They have cars and drivers that will pick anyone associated with PAHS up and drive them anywhere - and the cars are very fancy!
They have a didi that will wash dishes and make tea and hot water and clean all day.  This is very helpful!
They are so capable and dedicated and all work together at every step of the curriculum process.  I will elaborate a bit more on this in an upcoming blog.
The brief amount that I have seen the PAHS students, they are friendly and eager and enthusiastic!

I am sure I will continue to add to this list as my trip progresses!


  1. This is very interesting! Sounds like you are fully entrenched in the Nepalese culture already! Keep it coming.

  2. I have a friend, Ophelia, who also always drinks hot water, never tea or coffee. Her background is Chinese and she told me that Chinese people, in general, drink hot, not cold water ever. But I have tons of Chinese (& Asian) friends, both "bananas" (born here but their parents or grandparents came to Canada from China) and recent emigrants to Canada. And Ophelia's the only person I know who only drinks hot water (NEVER cold!). She says that her stomach can't tolerate cold water - i find that strange! "Bananas" are so called becausethey feel "yellow on the outside and white on the inside". Funny, hey?


  3. Bananas! Love it! Someone I know calls me Banana as a nickname for some reason...likely not the same reason! :)
    Apparently hot water is better for you to drink!
